Profile PictureSharry Sharry

I’ve been investing in myself for almost a decade. I’ve read thousands of books, taken over a hundred courses, and completed many life goals. I’ve learned how to effectively communicate my ideas and build compelling arguments, but I’ve never felt that I had reached my full potential. There’s always more I can learn, more I can accomplish, and more I can become. And now I’m a self-improvement writer. I’ve written over a dozen articles, and even a book on self-improvement, and built a small audience of people who enjoy my writing. But I’m not satisfied. I want to build a massive audience, and help them to invest in themselves. I want to reach the people who need the most help and inspire them to take action, rediscover themselves and achieve their dreams. In this dark world, and difficult world; The pressures of work, school, family, and other responsibilities can be overwhelming at times. This often results in stress and anxiety, which can negatively impact our health, relationships, and productivity. The good news is that there are ways to reduce stress and increase our well-being. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I chose Light a long time ago and I want to share it with you, My Books will help you start your journey to a rediscovery of yourself, Not only in your mind but also in your heart.

Health Eating Habits- The strength of fruit and vegetables

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Weekly Affirmation for soon to be mom and appointment day trackers.

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Discovering Yourself

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