Profile PictureSharry Sharry

Discovering Yourself

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The process of discovering yourself is a strange one. It isn’t like discovering a new continent, or a new planet, or a new species of animal, in which you visit a place and can see the difference between where you stood and where you are now. It is more subtle than that. It is finding a new continent within yourself, or a new planet, or a new species of animal, in which you are the same person you were before, but with a new perspective on life.

Inside this ebook, you will discover about:

  • How motivation will increase your productivity at work.
  • How motivation increases self-esteem.
  • Motivation to get away from addictions.
  • How to motivate others
  • Motivation and saving money.
  • How to increase your motivation to be a team.
  • How to increase your motivation about being married.
  • How to increase your motivation about being clean.
  • How to motivate yourself.
  • Increase motivation for healthy eating habits
  • Motivation for a fun day at work and so much more.

One of the most powerful ways to discover yourself is through a good dose of motivation. When you’re feeling unmotivated, it’s easy to blame your circumstances or your genetics, or your upbringing. But the truth is that there are countless people out there just like you, who are burning with ambition and drive and are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. The only difference is that they’re motivated, and you’re not.

One of the most fundamental ways to discover who you are is to find motivation. It can be as simple as wanting to be better than you were yesterday, or as complex as wanting to be the best person you could be, who in the world will have the most impact on the world and the most positive effect on the people around them. Once you have a clear idea of what you want to become, there is no limit to where that will take you. It is like a blank canvas upon which you will paint your life, one line and one decision, and one word at a time.

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Inside this ebook, you will discover about: How motivation will increase your productivity at work. How motivation increases self-esteem. Motivation to get away from addictions. How to motivate others Motivation and saving money. How to increase your motivation to be a team. How to increase your motivation about being married. How to increase your motivation about being clean. How to motivate yourself. Increase motivation for healthy eating habits Motivation for a fun day at work and so much more.

3.51 MB
164 pages
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Discovering Yourself

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