Weekly Affirmation for soon to be mom and appointment day trackers.

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So, when you’re pregnant, you’re pretty torn up. You want your baby to live, you want the best for him or her, but you can’t shake this sense that something bad is going to happen if it happens. And the fact that this is a part of being a mother that most people don’t experience, is extra-tragic.

The key is Affirmation, simply remind yourself of your abilities and talents, even if you don’t really believe it and don’t see them. You have the ability to succeed; the only thing stopping you is you. You can stop blaming everyone else for your circumstances and take responsibility for your own life.

Affirmation is a powerful tool that can help you find your motivation again.

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You will get 40 weeks affirmation and weekly appointment tracks.

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124 pages
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Weekly Affirmation for soon to be mom and appointment day trackers.

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